@book {,
title = {Nature and culture in the Andes},
year = {1999},
note = {Daniel W. Gade.ill., maps ; 24 cm.1. Reflections and Trajectories -- 2. Andean Definitions and the Meaning of lo Andino -- 3. Deforestation and Reforestation of the Central Andean Highlands -- 4. Malaria and Settlement Retrogression in Mizque, Bolivia -- 5. The Andes as a Dairyless Civilization: Llamas and Alpacas as Unmilked Animals -- 6. Epilepsy, Magic, and the Tapir in Andean America -- 7. Valleys of Mystery on the Peruvian Jungle Margin and the Inca Coca Connection -- 8. Guayaquil as Rat City -- 9. Carl Sauer and the Andean Nexus in New World Crop Diversity -- 10. Conclusion.},
pages = {xiv, 287},
publisher = {University of Wisconsin Press},
organization = {University of Wisconsin Press},
address = {Madison},
keywords = {Human ecology Andes Region., Human geography Andes Region., Human-animal relationships Andes, Indians of South America Andes Region Social conditions., Indians of South America Ethnobotany Andes Region., Indians of South America Ethnozoology Andes Region.},
isbn = {029916120X (alk. paper)0},
author = {Gade, Daniel W.}