In the early twentieth century archaeologists investigated prehistoric exchange, primarily by using stylistic criteria, in order to demonstrate contact between two culture areas from a diffusionist perspective. Modern studies of exchange through scientific sourcing began with the work of Anna O. Shepard (1956) who found that petrographic analysis of ceramic tempers could be used to differentiate ceramic types. Since Shepard's early work, methods for chemically characterizing artifacts has grown rapidly (Glascock 2002). By the late 1960s, with geochemical evidence for long-distance interaction accumulating worldwide, archaeologists began developing systematic approaches to evaluating exchange.
The fundamental issue for many archaeological studies of exchange is that exchange processes have social evolutionary consequences (see Section 2.2.3 ). In current debates over the role of exchange, theoretical approaches range from those premised on looking at efficiency in production and exchange, and those approaches that focus on the role of social dynamics and agency models for long-distance relationships.
An influential approach to long-distance exchange was developed by Colin Renfrew and his colleagues (Renfrew, et al. 1968) who asserted that the spatial distributions of a raw material like obsidian could be used to infer not only extent of interaction, but mode of exchange. In subsequent investigations these distance decay relationships were further explored and in 1977 Renfrew defined the Law of Monotonic Decrement (LMD):
In circumstances of uniform loss or deposition, and in the absence of highly organized directional (i.e., preferential, nonhomogeneous) exchange, the curve of frequency or abundance of occurrence of an exchanged commodity against effective distance from a localized source will be a monotonic decreasing one (Renfrew 1977: 72).
Here, and in other publications, Renfrew (1975;1977) and Hodder (1974;1978;Hodder and Orton 1976), sought to interpret exchange relationships and the friction of distance from the shape of "fall-off curves" where the abundance of material is plotted against cost, usually distance from the source. The novelty in this approach is that it sought to determine "types" of exchange that substantive anthropologists had placed in evolutionary sequence using explicit, formalist measures of abundance and cost. These distance decay graphs included "Down-the-line" exchange thought to represent reciprocity, "freelance" trade representing barter, and even laissez-faire capitalism. More general and robust characterizations were described as well. For example, low value, often cumbersome goods were shown to have different distance decay profiles than prestige-goods exchange (Hodder 1974;Hodder and Orton 1976: 124).
Other scholars adopted this approach and in places like Mesoamerica the method held promise because obsidian sources were abundant, and material from many sources were, for the most part, visually distinct (Braswell, et al. 2000). Raymond Sidrys developed a "Trade Index" that, he argued, showed that major ceremonial centers acquired obsidian in volume from greater distances.
Figure 2-5. Log-Log fall-off curve of obsidian density (grams of obsidian/m3 of fill). Line 1 is a regression line derived from major ceremonial centers while line 2 is derived from minor centers (Sidrys 1976: 454). |
The axes of the fall-off graphs are on linear, power or logarithmic scales. Depending on the data available, interaction can be measured by using absolute or relative measures. Abundance of a non-local good at site A is assessed in absolute terms using weight of material from site A divided by estimated population for site A, or abundance is measured in relative terms using percentage by weight or artifact count from site A in the total raw material class for that site (Earle 1977: 6;Renfrew 1977: 73).
In his work with Neolithic Near Eastern obsidian Renfrew (1969: 157) specifies that areas less than 300 km from the geological source area, at least for Neolithic modes of exchange, are in the "supply zone" because obsidian represents over 80% of the material in lithic assemblages at sites found in that zone. Areas beyond the 300 km band Renfrew refers to as the "contact zone" and it is in that area that he argued the shape and angle of the fall-off curve could provide insights into prehistoric economy. The "interaction zone", or universe of study, for a sourceable material was defined by Renfrew to be the area within which 30% or more of the obsidian was derived from a single obsidian source. A similar approach was taken with Mesoamerican obsidian in the Oaxaca area by Jane Wheeler Pires-Ferreira (1976: 301) but in this case a 20% threshold was used to define the interaction zone. There appears to be no ethnographic basis for the source, contact, or interaction zone threshold values used by Renfrew and others.
In the course of further exploration of the parameters associated with fall-off curves, serious weaknesses were identified that limit their utility for identifying forms of exchange solely on the basis of the shape of the curve. Hodder (1974;1978;Hodder and Orton 1976: 127-154) simulated a large number of simple random walks and found that generally similar fall-off curves could be produced by different combinations of variables, a condition known as equifinality. In other words, a Gaussian artifact distribution that results in a fall-off curve that Renfrew would have described as "down-the-line exchange" could as have been the result of random walks. Hodder and Orton (1976: 142-143) found that the more convex curves have higher a values and that these are the result of a greater number of short steps usually associated with highly portable value goods. Ammerman et al. (1978: 181-184) explored the fall-off curve with simulation studies and found that in the interpretation of down-the-line models one must consider the accumulated effects of time over the long-term. Further, they argue that accumulation rates in archaeological studies of down-the-line systems can modeled by using realistic estimates of "passing" and "dropping" of artifacts in distribution systems. Critical evaluations of the utility of fall-off curves demonstrate that Renfrew's goal of distinguishing reciprocity, redistribution, and market exchange from two-dimensional graphs was overambitious. It has been shown, however, that the relative shape of fall-off curves can aid in differentiating high value commodities from bulky, utilitarian goods. These graphs are valuable for highlighting variations from the LMD, and these deviations can point towards avenues for further data exploration. Hodder and Orton (1976: 155-160) suggest applying trend surface analysis to distribution data, an approach that was implemented in the 1970s raster-based computer mapping package SYMAP. Trend surface analysis and geostatistics have become considerably easier using modern GIS methods.
Approaches to the study of attenuation with distance were applied in a variety of other regions worldwide, and these studies have been ably summarized by Torrence (1986: 10-37). A valuable theme in these studies has been the exploration of deviations from Renfrew's Law of Monotonic Decrement, and suggestions for improvement of distance decay models. Gary Wright (1970) proposes that predictions made by the LMD could be improved by controlling for variations in consumption through time and between types of consumer sites, and he emphasizes that investigators consider the influence of alternative materials in the study area, such as the effects of local flint on demand for imported obsidian. Wright (1970;Wright and Grodus 1969: 47-52) also advocates using weight of a non-local good as a measure of abundance, rather than count or percentage of each artifact class. For time periods prior to the domestication of beasts of burden in the Near East, when the weight of artifacts was borne directly by human carriers, weight would more likely influence behavior and discard patterns. Renfrew also considers weight in his analysis, but he observes that weight would be influenced by stylistic and functional factors.
Geographical relationships are considered in more detail in subsequent research. Jonathon Ericson (1977;1977;1981;1982) conducted an exhaustive study of California obsidian distributions and, by focusing on deviations from the LMD, and using regression analysis, he was able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the approach. Ericson uses trend surface analysis available in the early raster-based mapping system SYMAP to produce maps showing isometric distributions of obsidian types in consumption sites (Ericson 1977: Figures 1-4). In comparing this form of analysis with Renfrew's distance decay graph distributions Ericson states that "in two-dimensional analysis only the magnitude of an observation and its distance from a source is considered, the spatial position of the observation is not considered in its local context; and this simplification masks significant variability in the data" (Ericson 1977: 110). Ericson's density maps demonstrate that, while distance from source is a primary determinant of obsidian type, the distributions of obsidian consumption locations are not symmetrical around the source areas. Ericson explores the spatial relationships by superimposing trail systems, alternative material distributions, and ethnolinguistic group boundaries (Kroeber 1925) on the obsidian consumption density maps and finds that these spatial phenomena influence obsidian distributions.
Similar to Ericson's implementation of trend surface analysis, Findlow and Bolognese (1982: 60-70) perform a SYMAP analysis using the percentage of lithic assemblages represented by obsidian throughout their study region. Their maps are useful in that they show the changing territoriality and direction of obsidian procurement through time in the region. However, as their obsidian percentage isolines only display aggregated obsidian versus not obsidian data, and do not differentiate between source types of obsidian, the maps are difficult to interpret in terms of exchange distances from the sources through time.
Quantitative data available for Ericson's (1977: 121-123;1977: 249-257) analysis include isotropic distance calculations between discard locations and geological source areas, and estimated population by consumption area. A multiple linear regression analysis using the percentage of obsidian from a single source showed that, as stated by the LMD, the distance from the source had the highest predictive power. However, the estimated population in a given consumption area had only slightly less power in predicting the source of the obsidian being used than did distance to the closest source, and the distance to the second closest obsidian source had virtually no predictive power. Ericson interprets these data in terms of the degree of utilitarian use of a commodity and level of necessity for the average person in the community. Thus, in the proximity of the geological source of a raw material widely used in the community, the source types with high population levels in the immediate vicinity of the source would have been more widely used in exchange systems (Ericson 1977: 120).
An improvement in the calculation of effective distance with an incorporation of the influence of topographic relief in the cost accumulation with fall-off curves was first explored by Findlow and Bolognese (1980;1982). In their study in the U.S. Southwest the authors manually develop the linear solutions known today in GIS as "Least-cost paths" or, as Findlow and Bolognese (1980: 239) express it, "the line between the site and the source that at once minimized distance and topographic relief". They find that when these paths are used in the cost function then variability is accounted for more strongly than when using an isotropic distance estimate.
The technology of transport can dramatically alter the effective distance, and changes in mode of transportation have been proposed as explanations for variability in distance decay curves through time (Hodder and Orton 1976: 113,117-118;Renfrew 1977: 73). Torrence (1986: 122-123) reviews the issue and she also discusses boat transport (1986: 135-136). The adoption of river and sea-going vessels in Mesoamerica are discussed by Sidrys (1977: 103-105), and in the Mediterranean by Ammerman (1979;1978). Gary Wright (1970) mentions the importance of considering the weight of transported material for the period before the domestication of cargo animals and the availability of caravan trade networks in the Near East. Similarly, working in the Andes, Richard Burger and his co-authors (2000: 348) consider the impact of camelid domestication and llama caravan networks on obsidian distributions.
The prediction, following the LMD, that artifact size or weight should diminish with distance from the source area (Wright 1969: 47-52;Wright 1970;Wright and Grodus 1969) is not necessarily supported in cases where the form of the artifact, such as projectile points or bladelets, take precedence over effective distance from source. Angela Close (1999) found that at early Neolithic sites in southwestern Egypt flint backed bladelets, even very close to the source, were produced to be very narrow due to hafting requirements, defying the prediction of LMD. Close (1999) also found that among the late Neolithic sites unretouched, unbroken flint debitage did not conform to the LMD either, a situation that she attributes to the probable use of domestic cattle in transporting flint cores (Close 1996). With formal tools, such as projectile points, artifact form may take precedence over size. Hofman (1991) found with Folsom points that did not diminish in size with distance from the raw material source. However, incidence of resharpening can be expect to increase with distance from the source, affecting tool size (Andrefsky 1994).
The gravity model was another approach borrowed from geography and applied to the study of regional artifact distributions (Chappell 1986;Hallam, et al. 1976;Hodder 1974;Renfrew 1977: 87-88). Gravity models are used in situations where artifacts made from raw materials from a number of competing sources are found in a given consumption site. The claim is that the approach quantifies the "attractiveness" of a given material type over other types available to the consumers in a site by comparing actual proportions with expected proportions of the material given the predictions of the LMD. However, as Torrence (1986: 27) observes, "in reality, the gravity model is merely a means for describing and comparing distributions which are already reasonably well documented." While gravity models could be useful in parsing complex temporal patterns in raw material use in production and consumption at a given site, the approach does not provide a means of inferring the character of exchange relationships between consumption sites in prehistory.
Throughout the 1970s, the regional exchange literature shows an increasing awareness of the limitations of a purely spatial approach to inferring modes of exchange through formal geographical regression analysis. Renfrew's ambitious models linking geographical distance-decay with substantive modes of exchange connected to an associated evolutionary socio-political level, were meant to be sufficiently general to operate through time and in different cultural contexts. However, from simulation studies and from archaeological applications, researchers observed that it was necessary to incorporate supplementary information along with the geographical data on long-distance exchange and consumption, in order for distance decay studies to be useful. The view that chemically derived exchange data must be considered in association with information about archaeological context was first expressed by Wright (1969) and was widely echoed in the contributions to Ericson and Earle's (1982) volume "Contexts for Prehistoric Exchange" as well as in later volumes on exchange including Ericson and Baugh (1993) and Baugh and Ericson (1994). Preserving the strengths of geographical analyses from the 1970s period of investigation and combined with a greater consideration of artifact form, regional variation in reduction strategies and site-specific contexts of consumption, offers a fruitful way forward.
As obsidian moved farther from its source, the size of the pieces traded progressively decreased and the relative value increased. ...Small blades were obtained simply by smashing a large block with a stone, while in time blades were broken into smaller fragments to obtain newly sharp edges (Harding 1967: 42).
Establishing consistent links between the types of social structure and the forms and organization of production in association with exchange was the approach taken by Ericson (1982) and, most explicitly, by Torrence (1986). By investigating the standardization and error rates in blade reduction strategies at obsidian production sites on the Greek island of Melos, Torrence was able to evaluate the degree of specialization involved in the quarrying and production of obsidian at the source.
In her review of archaeological site-oriented studies of exchange, Torrence (1986: 27-37) uses a few major themes to characterize site-oriented investigations. These themes include measures of abundance, source composition percentages, and the variability in archaeological context and artifactual form of import.
Investigators have compared changes in the abundance of non-local material with domestic goods that are assumed to represent population. The ratio of the weight of obsidian to volume of excavated dirt (as shown in Figure 2-5) or as a ratio of weight of ceramics (as a proxy measure for population) has been used in a number of studies in Mesoamerica (Sidrys 1976;Zeitlin and Heimbuch 1978: 189). In studies of Near Eastern obsidian exchange Renfrew (1969;1977) develops indices for the presence of obsidian based on counts and weights per phase and per excavated cubic meter, and he also uses the count of obsidian artifacts as a percent of the total lithic assemblage count. Renfrew qualifies his conclusions due to a lack of consistency in the data, but he estimates that the total quantity of to arrive at the site was relatively small and he observes a decrease in obsidian at Deh Luran sites. Working at the Olmec site of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, Cobean et al. (1971) develop an index that compared the number of obsidian flakes, blades, and total debitage with grinding stones and slabs for each phase at the site, with the abundance of grinding equipment serving as an estimate of number of households. The authors interpret the increasing index of obsidian to grinding slabs as evidence of a gradual rise in "prosperity" for individuals at the site, though they only briefly explore the implications for changing exchange relationships (Cobean, et al. 1991).
In Torrence's examination of the aforementioned studies she concludes that "the major difficulty with studies of consumption based on measures of resource abundance is that they lack the necessary linking arguments between patterns of consumption and type of exchange" (1986: 28-30). She states that what is needed for site-level studies of abundance and exchange is "a series of arguments describing how resource use will respond to specific types of exchange" akin to the explicit connections that Renfrew developed on the regional scale between distance decay and forms of exchange.
When raw material is available to consumers from several competing sources, investigators have used the relative quantity of materials from the different sources at individual sites to gain insights into ancient exchange. Broad exchange relationships are frequently inferred from the presence of obsidian from a distant source. When material from several rival obsidian sources are represented, either strongly or weakly, in different phases at a site, the cause of the changes in representation is often attributed to shifts in the geography of regional political or economic relationships. Geographical explanations are invoked when there is a clear deviation from the LMD, and yet evidence of significant in-situ political change is not found in investigations among studies in Mesoamerica (Zeitlin 1978: 202;Zeitlin 1982) and the Near East (Renfrew 1977: 308-309).
Changes in the mechanisms of exchange, rather than simply geography, are attributed to changes in the source composition from different sources when socio-political changes are perceived by investigators. Studies have inferred redistribution occurring when sites that act as central places (Christaller 1966 [1933]) at the top of the settlement hierarchy have disproportionate quantities of non-local materials irrespective of their distance from the source. This phenomenon has been discussed for Tikal (Moholy-Nagy 1976: 101-103;Sidrys 1977).
When sourcing studies are conducted at the scale of the household unit, though it is often labor intensive and costly to conduct proveniencing studies to an extent that are statistically meaningful, it is possible to discern convergence patterns that can be connected to exchange mechanisms (Pires-Ferreira and Flannery 1976;Santley 1984;Torrence 1986: 35). The most common application of evidence of variability between households in source composition is to infer redistribution from the presence of low inter-household variability in source composition.
In a reciprocal economy where individual households negotiate for their own obsidian, we would expect a good deal of variation between households, both in the sources used and the proportions of obsidian from various sources. Conversely, in an economy where the flow of obsidian is controlled by an elite or by important community leaders, who pool incoming obsidian for later distribution to their relatives, affines, or fellow villagers, we would expect less variation and more uniformity from one household to another (Winter and Pires-Ferreira 1976: 306).
The concept is been depicted in a graphic from.
Table 2-4. Household composition of raw materials should vary with different types of exchange. On the left, individual households acquire source materials more directly, on the right pooling and redistribution results in greater inter-household consistency in raw material composition (Winter and Pires-Ferreira 1976: 311).
This approach was influential in Mesoamerica (Clark and Lee 1984;Santley 1984;Spence 1981;Spence 1982;Spence 1984 ) where the technology of transport did not change significantly except for perceived changes in the form of boat technology. Transport changes could significantly impact the inter-household diversity of source composition in places, such as the Near East, where caravan exchange networks followed from the domestication of pack animals (Wright 1969). The impacts of caravan exchange on artifact variability has long been discussed in the Andes (Dillehay and Nuñez 1988;Nuñez and Dillehay 1995 [1979]), although household-level sourcing data has not been available to date.
Intrasite variability in lithic distributions, and the morphology of those artifacts, can shed light on exchange patterns. Several projects in Mesoamerica have inferred redistribution as the mechanism of exchange when concentrations of non-local lithic materials at major sites point to debris associated with specialist workshops and other kinds of intrasite use of space. Blade manufacturing debris has been used in this manner at Tikal (Moholy-Nagy 1975;Moholy-Nagy 1976;Moholy-Nagy 1991;Moholy-Nagy 1999), the Basin of Mexico (Sanders, et al. 1979), and Teotihuacan (Spence 1967;Spence 1984).
The proportion of artifact forms of a non-local material in a single site has been used to characterize mechanisms of exchange. This approach has proved useful with obsidian exchange in places where distinctive reduction strategies are associated with finished artifact form, such as blade technology, and these strategies can be recognized in lithic material found in consumption sites. Winter and Pires-Ferreira (1976: 309-310), working at two sites in Oaxaca, argued that blades of high quality, non-local obsidian were introduced to the sites in finished form and that this constituted evidence of elite pooling for prismatic blade reduction followed by redistribution to local sites. The higher quality material was transformed into more valuable artifact forms in workshops located outside of their study area, and then in the Oaxaca sites the presence of these artifacts that were apparently the result of contact with elite spheres of exchange, was interpreted as evidence of redistribution of the finished artifacts. The sourcing and exchange work of Pires-Ferreira has come under some criticism because in her initial proveniencing study she only used two diagnostic chemical elements, and more recent analyses suggest that many of her sourcing attributions are incorrect (Clark 2003: 32). Further, Sheets (1978: 62) argues that the edges of prismatic blades are too fragile to have been transported in completed form (Clark and Lee 1984: 272).
Systematic studies of the intrasite contexts and artifact form of non-local material have the potential to provide insights into exchange and social structure. Intrasite spatial patterns can be investigated in combination with both quantitative data stemming from geographical distances and artifact abundance, and with qualitative data inferred from artifact form and technological aspects of production (Torrence 1986: 36). These kinds of intrasite patterns are susceptible to distortion by dumping patterns and intrasite studies must be sensitive to the problems of conflating material from workshop refuse, household middens and construction fill (Moholy-Nagy 1997).
In a useful review of Mesoamerican obsidian studies Clark (2003: 32-39) summarizes major advances in provenience and trade models, and highlights important avenues for improvement. One important observation made by Clark is that in archaeologists' efforts to design systematic approaches to exchange, early studies failed to distinguish "power as energy and power as legitimacy" (Clark 2003: 38). It could be argued that these forms of power are largely comparable, as the ability to procure, display, and redistribute non-local goods demonstrates power in both energy and in prestige. However, as was emphasized by substantivists in their discussion on the inalienability of certain products, the value of particular status items rests precisely in their incommensurate nature.
Sanders and Santley's (1983) proposal that special goods were returned to Teotihuacan in exchange for obsidian products, and that these were cashed in for corn from the fringes of Teotihuacan's domain in hard times, fails to appreciate that once symbolic goods circulate like economic goods among the hoi polloi such goods lose any legitimizing powers (Clark 2003: 38).
A framework for investigating prehistoric exchange must negotiate between these features of the archaeological record. Material evidence of long-distance exchange is abundant and easily measured, but interpreting the significance and perceived value of these non-local products in the social and political context of their consumption is the measurement of greatest relevance to comprehending the role of exchange over time.
A period of vigorous exploration of spatial models of exchange followed on the initial availability of chemical characterization methods in the 1960s. In addition to responding to new proveniencing methods, these developments also reflected a convergence between formal analytical models borrowed from quantitative geography (Haggett 1966;Harvey 1969) and the spatial models of processual archaeology in the early 1970s. As the potential and the limitations of the formal geographical approaches have became more evident, archaeologists have been able to take stock of the insights from that period (Bradley and Edmonds 1993: 5-11;Clark 2003: 32-42;Hodder 1982;Torrence 1986: 10-37, 115-138).
Exploration of a variety of promising measures and ratios for regional analysis is one of positive products of these regional distance decay studies. For obsidian distance decay, the ideal analytical situation would involve a variety of metric measures for each artifact, and the chemical type would be known for every artifact of sourcable material. While such detailed analyses have not been generally available, analysts have made do with other measures such as visual assessment of obsidian type (although it is unreliable in many regions) and relative measures of abundance. These measures of abundance include: (1) proportion of obsidian in total lithic assemblage by count or weight, (2) proportion of obsidian flakes to other artifact classes like ground stone or ceramics, and (3) density of obsidian by excavated volume of soil. A variety of additional inventive measures were explored during this period. Further details from consumption contexts, such as variability in material type by spatial and temporal provenience, are important for regional studies, although acquiring consistent and comparable measures from various archaeological projects can be difficult.
Technological innovations promise to lend greater support to both chemical characterization and geographical analyses in coming years. Developments in GIS and other spatial technologies have greatly facilitated the management and analysis of spatial data. An associated technological development is portable chemical characterization devices such as portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) units. It is likely that, in the not-too-distant future, XRF analysis will become a routine part of lab analysis for many archaeological projects (Jeff Speakman, May 2006, pers. comm.), a development that will significantly expand the archaeological significance of quarry studies and geographical relationships between production and consumption locales.
In sum, the confluence of spatial technology with the widespread use of non-destructive chemical characterization methods in archaeology will likely result in the emergence of a rigorous proveniencing and spatial analysis sub-discipline in archaeology in coming years. The foundations of this sub-discipline were explored in the 1970s but with greater refinement in theoretical approaches to exchange and the organization of technology, as well as the issues of artifact variability, and the consumption contexts of exchange, one may expect significant contributions from regional analysis in coming years.