The site of Asana is at 3435 masl in the Osmore drainage of Moquegua, and it lies 185 km or 50 hours by the hiking model to the south-east of the Chivay source. Excavations at Asana were directed by Aldenderfer(1998: 76-80)between 1986 and 1991 and in the lower levels of the deeply-stratified site obsidian was found in low concentrations.
Titicaca Chronology (BCE) |
14C yr bp |
Lab Code (Beta-) |
Cal.BCE |
14CSample Provenience |
Obsidian Provenience |
Obsidian Type |
Obsidian Artifacts |
Early Form. 2000-1300 |
3640±80 |
23364 |
2300-1750 |
II (sup), TU1 |
II |
Aconcahua (visual ID) |
n=3, 0.4% |
Late Archaic 5000-3300 |
6040±90 |
24634 |
5210-4720 |
XIVb, I25b |
n=1, 2% |
Middle Archaic 7000-5000 |
6550±110 |
24629 |
5680-5300 |
XVIIa, G24b |
KF4a: J29D-8; XVIIA |
Chivay |
6550±110 |
24629 |
5680-5300 |
XVIIa, G24b |
KF4b: J29D-8; XVIIA |
Chivay |
Early Archaic 9000-7000 |
8620±110 |
47057 |
8200-7450 |
PXIX, P38b |
8780±90 |
43920 |
8250-7600 |
PXX, V51a |
KF5: F28D-5; PXXi |
Chivay |
8720±110 |
33303 |
8250-7550 |
PXXI, R43c |
KF6: P38D-W; PXXI |
Chivay |
8720±110 |
33303 |
8250-7550 |
PXXI, R43c |
KF2: W41A-4; PXXII |
Chivay |
8720±120 |
43922 |
8250-7550 |
PXXIII, X36c |
8720±110 |
35599 |
8250-7550 |
PXXIV, T34a |
n=11, 0.36% |
KF3: T42B-7;F28D-5 |
Chivay |
n=1, 0.08% |
KF1: U41D-6; PXXV |
Chivay |
9820±150 |
40063 |
9900-8700 |
Table 3-4. Asana obsidian samples, collections, and associated14C samples by level (Aldenderfer 1998: 131, 157, 163, 209, 268;Frye, et al. 1998).
These data from Asana show that low frequencies of Chivay obsidian occurred regularly through Early and Middle Archaic levels at the site despite the presence of high quality cherts nearby, and low quality obsidian from the Aconcahua source located about 50 km away. During the Late Archaic, obsidian disappears from the site and in a level that is transitional between the Terminal Archaic and Early Formative, obsidian returns in the form of lower-quality Aconcahua material. These data will be discussed in more detail below as obsidian use is explored by time period.