A03-599 "Callalli 11"

This site is on the east edge of Callalli just beyond a quebrada. A relatively dense scatter of flaked stone and projectile points from two Archaic styles and two later (Type 5) styles were found here, but the artifacts were not sufficiently dense to merit mapping as a low density lithic locus. The site is heavily disturbed by the construction of two roads on either side of it: the modern Callalli access road to the north and a narrow, steep road accessing the soccer field to the west and south of the site.


Figure 6-35. View westward from "Callalli 11" across quebrada shows the eastern edge of Callalli.

This deflated terrace edge area contained flakes approximately one half chert and one half obsidian by count, and 1/4 of the obsidian was cortical. A ground andesite hammerstone weighing 294 g and stained with ochre was also found here. This open air site area offers partial shelter in the form of the quebrada and associated lower terraces that are now destroyed by road construction. The quebrada probably contained water for part of the year.


Figure 6-36. Callalli 11 [A03-599] on terrace on the east edge of the town ofCallalli.