Another possible logistical site was found away from the principal river channel in the area of the colonial site of Anccasuyo. A single type 1A (Early Archaic) or 2C (Middle Archaic) projectile point of chalcedony, broken at both ends, was found here. The temporal assignment is ambiguous because of the broken base. This location is adjacent to a small tributary to the Río Llapa and where an outcrop of tuff creates a small pool that has been developed into a stock pond.
Figure 6-37. Chalcedony projectile point [A03-790] from Anccasuyo [A03-785]. |
There were two obsidian flakes here, and five non-obsidian flakes. While the Archaic evidence from this site is small, a single point (that could have been scavenged from elsewhere by the colonial occupants), if the context is intact it represents a kind of peripheral, hidden habitation that one might expect to complement the larger residential bases elsewhere in the valley.