Pausa appears to have been one of the larger and more varied sites in the Block 3 settlement area, yet, based on surface artifacts, the activities at Pausa were fairly typical for these raised corral features. These include a variety of lithic reduction but, above all, a dominant presence of Ob1 obsidian. This relatively consistent access to Ob1 obsidian suggests that the Early Agropastoralists of Block 2 were affiliated with, or directly responsible for, some of the quarrying and production activities that were observed in the Block 1 Maymeja area.
The size of these structures, the regular spacing of large rocks, and the presence of regular rock "wall niches" on the eastern edge of A03-559 suggest that these platforms served as more than mere corrals and there this was also a locus for ritual activity. Obsidian was widely used in the Block 2 area on the whole, but the quantities at Pausa appear to have been far greater than at neighboring sites. It is possible that this site served as some kind of aggregation spot in the Block 2 puna, although it is difficult to speculate without further examination of this site. Test excavations revealed primarily a small hearth in a very small circular structure (Section 7.5.2), and evidently further excavation work is needed at Pausa.