Reconstruction of the AD1600 Huaynaputina eruption based on the correlation of geologic evidence with early Spanish chronicles

TitleReconstruction of the AD1600 Huaynaputina eruption based on the correlation of geologic evidence with early Spanish chronicles
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsThouret, J. - C., Juvingné E., A. Gourgaud, P. Boivin, & Dávila J.
JournalJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
AbstractThe largest historical eruption (VEI 6) in the Andes began on February 19 and continued until March 6 or 15, AD 1600 at Huaynaputina, a dacitic stratovolcano located on a high volcanic plateau in south Peru. Tephra falls, pyroclastic flows and surges disrupted life in an area of V4900 km2 around the volcano, and ash-fall was reported 200^500 km away in south Peru, west Bolivia, and north Chile. The aftermath of the large-scale eruption was severe and protracted for the people and colonial economy of south Peru. By linking up the series of events inferred from Spanish chronicles with the lithofacies and composition of the tephra (bulk volume 11.4^12.1 km3, dense rock equivalent (DRE) 4.6^4.95 km3), we distinguish five eruptive phases. (1) During the plinian phase, a sustained plinian column 27^35 km high on February 19^20 delivered a dacitic pumice fall of V3.1 km3 DRE volume. The plinian pumice formed a widespread lobe of V95 000 km2 within the 1-cm isopach; strong winds carried fine ash s500 km to the west, and west-northwest into the Pacific Ocean. The computed volumetric eruption rate was in the range of 5.4^6.6U104 to 1U105 m3/s and the mass eruption rate 1.3^1.6U108 kg/s. The onset and high discharge of the sustained plinian eruption was fueled by the disruption of an active hydrothermal system enclosed in the pre-AD 1600 amphitheater. The plinian column shut off as the vent was choked when the fragmentation focus deepened to beneath the weathered bedrock, s1600 m below the vent area. (2) During the second phase, a dwindling column sent ash-falls on proximal to medial areas and possibly pyroclastic surges on proximal slopes. (3) During the third ignimbriteforming phase with interspersed hydromagmatic events, pyroclastic flows 1.5^2 km3 in volume were channeled into the Rio Tambo canyon and tributaries. The flows with interbedded base-surge deposits in proximal tributaries probably produced vigorous columns over high, rugged relief around the Huaynaputina plateau. Winds winnowing the columns dispersed a widespread co-ignimbrite ash, probably mixed with co-plinian ash, over an area of V265 000 km2. (4) During the fourth phase, an unusual crystal ash-fall was deposited when the residual magma with a crystalcontent as high as 80% was tapped near the end of the eruption. (5) During the fifth phase, ash-flows produced surge deposits and lag-fall breccias near vent, small-volume ash-flow deposits in proximal catchments, and a thin ash-fall layer in medial to distal areas. The proximal deposits were also produced by diluted flows able to surmount ridges 1000 m high as far as 15 km east from the vent. The ignimbritic and hydromagmatic phases greatly modified the 9400-m-diameter plinian vent. Tapping of the crystal-rich magma and ash flows towards the end of the eruption led to the formation of two youthful vents in domes. Geochemistry and mineralogy of the plinian and post-plinian units point to an unusual zoned magma sequence. The ignimbrite-forming phase tapped a magma batch richer in silica than the less differentiated plinian magma. The crystal-rich magma of unit 4 was fed by ‘crystal mush’ in a layered magma reservoir and (or) from two magma reservoirs at distinct depths. The geochemical and mineralogical trend throughout the eruption, and preliminary measurements of geobarometers suggest a complex model linking a shallow (6^7 km)magma reservoir to a deeper (V15 km) reservoir. The total DRE volume (4.6^4.95 km3) of erupted tephra did not lead to caldera collapse. Ring fractures cutting multiple vents are associated with a dyke swarm intruding the weathered volcanic bedrock. This suggests the onset of a funnel-type or piecemeal collapse.