Production, Location, and Integration in Bronze Age Cyprus

TitleProduction, Location, and Integration in Bronze Age Cyprus
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsKnapp, B. A.
JournalCurrent Anthropology
Date PublishedApr.
AbstractExplanations for the rise of social complexity increasingly turn topolitico-economic, social, or behavioural models that emphasizemultivariate causality. Because the incipient stages in the developmentof social complexity on Cyprus have never been examinedin an explicit, problem-oriented context, the material focus of thisstudy is on the presentation and analysis of archaeological datafrom the Prehistoric Bronze Age ("Early-Middle Cypriot" periods).A broad range of evidence is discussed, and, in order toevaluate the interrelationship amongst environment, production,exchange, and location in the development of power and prestige,the social implications of metallurgical and agricultural productionare considered within a politico-economic framework.