At Qillqatani, obsidian flakes are available in quantity during this Titicaca time period which roughly overlap with the Formative A and B (XTable 3-5X). Seven obsidian samples were analyzed at MURR that all corresponded with the Chivay source. These samples were found in levels adjacent to a context that dated to2940±70bp (Beta-43925; 1380-970 BCE).
It appears that obsidian was being obtained as nodules or blanks and being knapped down to projectile points. Obsidian flakes represent 15% by count (n = 160) of all the flakes in the period "Formative A", and obsidian projectile points represent 12% by count of all points in this level(Aldenderfer 1999).
Obsidian is first found at Qaluyu dated to ~3250 uncal bp which calibrates to 1640-1420 BCE(Burger, et al. 2000: 291-296), or the end of the Early Formative where Burger et al. report evidence of nodules or blanks arriving for further reduction at the source. Some of the Chivay obsidian found at Qaluyu were medium sized pebbles; one example Burger et al. analyzed had the dimensions 1.9 x 1.4 x 1.2 cm. Qaluyu is 140 linear km from the Chivay source, or 34.6 hours by the hiking model, so it is roughly 70% of the distance of Qillqatani from the source. There are substantial quantities of obsidian at Qaluyu during the subsequent Middle Formative.