Chivay obsidian during the Late Archaic

Evidence of Late Archaic obsidian use comes from excavations at the previously discussed sites of Asana, Qillqatani, and Sumbay. Several obsidian samples in the Burger et al. (2000) study were of portions of diagnostic projectile points that resemble types in Klink and Aldenderfer's (2005) point chronology. From illustrations and text(Burger, et al. 2000: 279, 281)the Qaqachupa sample appears to belong to the Late Archaic. Burger et al. describe this point as resembling a Type 7 point from Toquepala in Ravines'(1973)classification, and Klink and Aldenderfer(2005: 44)mention that their Type 4D point strongly resembles the Toquepala Type 7, making it diagnostic to the Late Archaic.