To allow for expedient field procedures, lithic loci were mapped in terms of two categories inside a given polygon: the dominant lithic artifact represented is attribute category 1 (C1), while the second most well represented lithic artifact group was attribute category 2 (C2). To separate lithic material types as recorded by the Arcpad interface the estimated percentage was used to differentiate, by weight, the calibrated material type for collections from that locus. Due to time constraints both in the field and in the lab only (1) obsidianand (2) non-obsidianwere differentiated for material types during Phase I lab analysis.
This is keeping with the relatively expedient lithic recording strategy because time was not available to bend over and check a large number of light-colored flakes to see if each one was chert, chalcedony or quartzite. However, one should be able to differentiate obsidian from non-obsidian relatively consistently since obsidian procurement is the subject of this research. During Phase I lab analysis, obsidian from non-obsidian lithic material types were separated for the entire collection. Materials were not sorted and weighed into finer material type groups until Phase II analysis, which occurred for only a select portion of the total surface collection. As a result, it is only possible to calibrate the lithic loci by material type at the obsidian / non-obsidian level of specificity and thus only obsidian lithic concentrations and non-obsidian can be differentiated (primarily chert, but also quartzite, chalcedony, and aphanic volcanics) from the surface scatters for mapping and spatial analysis purposes.