As one of the only single component Archaic Forager sites, seventy-four artifacts collections from this site were given thorough attention in lab analysis. The items below indicate the kind of lithic reduction that occurred on river terraces some distance from the Chivay source.
Obsidian material consisted of two types: clear and clear-banded flakes with no heterogeneities, and grey and black shaded obsidian with heterogeneities. Two broken projectile points and one broken biface were made from obsidian that is presumably of Chivay type material. A single flake of clear obsidian was found highly rotated and with 20% dorsal cortex, placing it at a mid-stage reduction. This obsidian flake was perhaps struck from the biface or the projectile point collected from this site.
Chert and Chalcedony
No pattern was discerned in the color of chert used at Sullullumba, but there was a relatively high percentage of chert and chalcedony in the surface assemblage. From the collection of 74 artifacts from the site, 50% were made of chert or chalcedony. Sixty-five percent of the chert showed signs of heat treating. Interestingly, about half of the chert flakes showed signs of rotation indicating that the potential of chert cores was maximized despite the probable availability of chert in the Colca river. None of the flakes, however, were bifacial thinning flakes and only six flakes had more than 20% cortex. No correlation was noted between (1) the flakes with high rotation index and (2) heat treatment or chert color. Thus, it appears that chert was being procured and preforms were being produced but the final, thinning stages of point production were not occurring at this site or these smaller flakes were not recovered from the surface context.
A number of interesting projectile points were collected here that include a type 4f (Terminal Archaic) point made from clear banded Ob1 obsidian that includes pressure flaking around the haft Figure 6-40. Another point is a likely type 3b (Middle Archaic) point made from red chert with several spines on the haft margin.
Figure 6-40. Projectile points from Sullullumba [A03-806]. These include (a) an obsidian Ob1 4F (Terminal Archaic) point [A03-809.1] and (b) and the base of a probable 3b (Middle Archaic) chert point with shoulder spines [A03-810.2].
Figure 6-41. The high density lithic locus A03-808 consisted of aphanytic volcanics and chert.
Complete flakes from this site show highly variable attributes that result from a complete reduction sequence having occurred in the area. A high density locus of flakes made of fine-grained volcanics, chert flakes, and chert heat-shatter [A03-808] perhaps result from a single knapping event. In sum, this site presents evidence of Archaic Period open-air activities a greater distance away from the influence of the Chivay source.