So you're using the Project Tool to re-projecting a map into a new projection.
Before you can start the process, you have to choose from the many transformations. The attached file (World Projections.xls) lists where in the world each projection transformation should be used.
For example, if your map is in PSAD56, and you want to project it to WGS84, the Project Tool will ask you which transformation you want. Checking the lists for Bolivia, I find: PSAD_1956_To_WGS_1984_2
Anthropological fieldwork with a Garmin Edge 305 with Heart Rate monitor
GPS technology has greatly simplified the process of locating sites and features on the landscape and mapping positions, linear features, and areas. There are two main groups of GPS units used by field scientists: "recreational" and "mapping" grade GPS units. This post is about using Recreational GPS units for fieldwork in 2006.
The ASTER14DMO format file contains 15 TIF files. These include 14 bands of imagery (V1-3n and 3b, S4-S9, T10-T14), and a DEM file. If you have an HDF file see this posting first. DEM 1. Open the TIF file and right-click layer > Data… > Export Data… choose Format: GRID 2. Give it a legal filename for GRIDs (short filename, no spaces or weird characters) 3.
Answer two of the following three questions in a two part answer of no more than 200 words each.
1. Compare the issue of the control of water between the polities in the eastern US and those discussed in the south-west.
2. Compare ceremonial architecture in the southwest and in the eastern US.
There are several types of viewshed analysis available in ArcGIS.
We will visit two of these types using the Callalli study area.
Instead of using the data from before, I've prepared new files because we need a larger DEM and a Sites shapefile with time periods assigned.
Download the View.Zip file and uncompress to a path with no spaces.
Introduction: Non-Cartesian Distance Units
Spatial analysis in anthropology is frequently based on Cartesian coordinates that describe space in terms of regular units on a grid coordinate system. The UTM system is a good example of a Cartesian coordinate system in metric units. GIS permits the calculation of distance costs in terms of non Cartesian units that, some have argued, are a better reflection of real perspectives and human (agent) decision-making.
As discussed in class, predictive models range in complexity from a simple collection of landform criteria for planning efficient survey strategies, to complex logistic regression functions where the contribution of each variable is made explicit. As described in the readings, these various models can be categorized by three major elements: the types input data, types of output data (form of results), and goals of the model.
Comparing point patterns
This exercise will introduce functions found in the Geostatistical Analyst toolbar.
The lab is organized around the following question in the Callalli data: